Giveaway 5 Saico Premium WordPress Themes from WPScientist

Written by Kevin Liew on 12 Jul 2012
14,793 Views • Giveaway


We have our awesome WordPress theme giveaway again! To be given away is a powerful Premium WordPress themes called SAICO from our friend - WPScientist.

WordPress themes from WPScientist are equipped with a powerful content composer that allows users to customize the content layout via a drag and drop system. Also, all WordPress themes come with many configurations and options, predefined web elements and column layouts to save your precious times.

SAICO WordPress Theme is a powerful theme which has lots of handy features. It’s powered with the improved Content Composer v2 . Easily build up your professional pages in minutes with this functionality. Whether you are a WordPress elite or just a beginner, you’ll have no problems at all working with SAICO .

How can you participate?

  • Follow Queness and WPScientist Twitter account or follow us on facebook.
  • Tweet like this: SAICO Premium #WordPress Theme Giveaway @quenesswebblog @wpscientist
  • And post a comment on this article before July 20, 2012 along with your Twitter ID and valid email address.


Congratulation to the following winners, you guys have won a copy of WPScientist Premium WordPress Theme - SAICO. You should receive an email with instruction soon. Thanks for your participation and stay tuned with us for more awesome WordPress themes giveaway!

  • Dinesh
  • Ricardo Salvador
  • Ashmita
  • Efren Martines
  • Colin
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downoadexpert 13 years ago
made of a very nice easy to use website
Fazal 13 years ago
chaitu 13 years ago
vani 13 years ago
Done @vanitechie
Thankyou for the giveaway. Here is my tweet.
Patrick S 13 years ago
I still hope that I have one another competition again.