Giveaway 5 Magnitudo Premium WordPress Themes from WPScientist

Written by Kevin Liew on 25 Apr 2012
13,186 Views • Giveaway


WPScientist's back! Today giveaway is a powerful Premium WordPress themes called Magnitudo from our friend - WPScientist.

WordPress themes from WPScientist are equipped with a powerful content composer that allows users to customize the content layout via a drag and drop system. Also, all WordPress themes come with many configurations and options, predefined web elements and column layouts to save your precious times.

Magnitudo Powerful Business Theme has a clean yet so powerful design which is easily to customize because of the many options which are included into the theme.

Customize the background color, choose a pattern or upload your own background image. Choose between 150 fonts for 10 separate elements around the theme. Also you’ll find 3 fancy sliders with many options, a filterable portfolio, the Content Composer v2 with 7 modules and so much more...!


So, how does the content composer works? Please watch this screencast, it never ceased to amaze me.

Demo Author Portfolio Magnitudo Homepage

How can you participate?

  • Follow Queness and WPScientist Twitter account or follow us on facebook.
  • Tweet like this: Magnitudo Premium #WordPress Theme Giveaway @quenesswebblog @wpscientist
  • And post a comment on this article before May 03, 2012 along with your Twitter ID and valid email address.


Congratulation! We have 5 lucky winners and each of them will get a copy of Magnitudo Premium WordPress theme!

  • Bangodell
  • Adrian Sandu
  • Volodymyr Pekh
  • Andzhela Lytvyn
  • Bart
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Volodymyr Pekh 13 years ago
Thank you guys for this amazing giveaway! Best wishes from Canada!

My Twitter ID : @volodyalviv!/volodyalviv/status/196678020206039040
TRY 13 years ago
Thanks Queness and WPScientist for the superb themes giveaway.

Tweet -!/give4away/status/196715009127092224

Twitter ID - @give4away


Andzhela Lytvyn 13 years ago
Great themes! I really like it!!/Andzhelal/status/196806485399973888
My twitter: @Andzhelal
Pritesh Desai 13 years ago
beautiful theme
Denis 13 years ago
Bart 13 years ago
Thanks for this the content composer looks really good!

Nick P. 13 years ago
Thanks for the great theme.!/nickplekhanov/statuses/197999333092761600

*fingers crossed*
Marina 13 years ago
Hey, I know I am a little off topic, but I need a little help here. I am looking for a minimal e-commerce Wp theme. I am new at this am I am sure you have experience on this so please recommend me some collections of minimalistic e-commerce WP themes! Thanks and I will really appreciate it!
Volodymyr Pekh 13 years ago
Thanks a lot guys! You are awesome!