10 Best Open Source Tools for Web Designers

Written by Kevin Liew on 28 Jan 2010
38,661 Views • Web Development


Open source applications and tools are excellent alternatives for web designers. There are many open source applications that can help you are as a web designer. Many open source tools have features comparable to expensive applications, and also free. This can save money and you can accomplish everyday tasks with having all the equipment and applications. In this article I want to share information about 10 best open source tools for web designers.

  • Aptana Studio

    Aptana is a web development tool with many features for HTML, CSS and javascript. Aptana is also equipped with thousands of additional plugins created by the community.
  • Quanta Plus

    Quanta Plus is an IDE for web development. Quanta has a strong ability to run custom scripts, but that he also has an excellent visual CSS editor and auto-completion of syntax.
  • jEdit

    jEdit is a text editor for programmers. jEdit can run on Mac, Windows, and Linux and has syntax highlighting for HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • GIMP

    GIMP is an open source project the most popular. For those who love the photoshop interface you can include GIMPShop extension interface that mimics the style of photoshop.
  • Krita

    Krita is a graphics application and also image-editing software application for KOffice.
  • WinSCP

    WinSCP is an open source (S) free FTP client and FTP client for Windows users. With simple navigation and easy, too easy to make in the use WinSCP.
  • KompoZer

    KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that has integrated FTP client and easy to use WYSIWYG web page editing.

    CSSED is a small developer editor and validator, that tries to ease the CSS editing. cssed haved some support for HTML (with embbeded Javascript), XML, Javascript, Java, PHP, JSP, C, C++, Apache configuration files, .htaccess, Python, Perl, SQL, SH and other languages so it can serve quite well as multi-purpose editor.
  • Open Bexi HTML Builder

    Open BEXI HTML Builder is a browser open source application for creating HTML web pages. It also has a CSS color picker built into the interface and a have simple project management option.
  • CamStudio

    CamStudio is a popular open source to the screen-capturing
  • About The Author

    I'm Yanuar Prisantoso , a 25 yeaar old web developer that writing about best resources for web designers and web developers in Denbagus.net and very interested about jquery and interactive . You can discuss with me in Twitter

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Roy Lindauer 15 years ago
I definitely recommend Aptana for development. It's a solid IDE.
web hosting company karachi 15 years ago
few of them are realy cool
Miro Masat 15 years ago
I love GIMP, but all of this apps are really useful. Thanks
Daniel 11 years ago
Do know what I find funny is that there are now so many web design company's that are using free wordpress site and editing them and then selling them to customers. Very wrong. http://www.graphicinfluence.co.uk/