Optimize Your Websites For Killer Page Load Speed

Written by Kevin Liew on 30 Jun 2016
50,569 Views • Techniques

No matter how well your website is designed, if your it loaded painfully slow, you will lose your visitor's interest. Page loading time is very important thing to provide great user experience. If you're wondering how fast your page load, try this Google Page Speed to see your score.

Here we have 6 ways to optimize your website for speedy loading time. You can always start with the most basic one - images compression, enable gzip and then do the minification of CSS and JS and so on. Optimizing websites can be fun and we have outlined all the possible things you can do to speed up your website.

Use Gzip compression

Gzip is a method of compressing files and deliver it to users, and the client browser will do the compression. It performs best on text-based content such as CSS, HTML and JS. Based on the tests performed by Google, Gzip can reduce JS files by 60-80%.

Useful link: Enable Gzip Compression

Optimize Images

The simplest way to reduce your website load speed - compress your images! I have been using this online image compression tool called Tiny JPG or Tiny PNG. You will be surprise how much extra bytes it can take out from your images.

Minify CSS and JS

It's common for a website to use many Javascript plugins, and CSS files. We can increase page loading speed by combining all the JS files and also CSS files into a big chuck of minified JS and CSS files. By doing this, we can reduce server request for JS and CSS files. Just two requests, one for JS and one for CSS.

You may want to use Grunt or Gulp as part of your development process by minified your JS and CSS for production. It also have some useful extensions that clean your JS and CSS files too.

Useful link: Minify - CSS and Javascript minifier


Database queries are slow, by enabling caching on your website, it transform your dynamic content into static pages so the server doesn't generate the page for every visitors. If you are using WordPress, the popular one is WP Super Cache. If you're using a custom built one, you can create a simple caching system easily - How to Create a Simple and Efficient PHP Cache. You can also check out the popular Varnish cache.


If you have a really high traffic website, you can consider Content Delivery Network (CDN), currently the most famous one you would have heard is Amazon Cloudfront. It serves the content based on the location of your visitors, hence it will reduce the load speed dramatically because the distance the data need to be travelled are shorten.

Web Hosting

Last but not least, a good web hosting plays an important role in page speed optimization too. We need good performance computer hardware and with the compliment of great software, the server can serve your website quickly. Web hosting provider such as HostPresto provide fast, reliable and feature loaded web hosting packages.

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1 comment
John Blum 9 years ago
Great job, Kevin. Thanks for quick tips!

I use Shortpixel instead for compressing and optimizing my images, and I get better results so far.