Create a 3D Hologram Projector on Your Smartphone

Written by Kevin Liew on 29 Feb 2016
15,182 Views • Mobile Tips & Tricks

Do you know you can turn your smartphone into a 3D hologram projector with just a simply DIY? There's a tutorial created by Mrwhosetheboss, with just simple ingradients you would find in your home and pair it with specially-crafted holographic video, your smartphone will able to create a hologram-like illusion.

It doesn't take that long to build this hologram tool. I used just half of a transparent A4 film, and in just 10 minutes I got it setup and running. Ready? You will need to prepare these items:

  • Ruler
  • Sharp knife
  • Old CD cases (I did it with thin transparent A4 film, that will work too)
  • tape

It's just a few common household items, it's a free DIY project just need a little bit of muscle to cut the CD case. Here's the tutorial video:

If you look at those hologram video, you'd notice there's 4 video playing in four different directions. Each "video" reflects onto the panel and create a floating 3D hologram. You can find this kind of video by searching "hologram video", there are a many of them. This one is my favourite, have fun.

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