Grid-A-Licious, Responsive Floating Grid Layout jQuery Plugin

Written by Kevin Liew on 17 Oct 2012
50,272 Views • Javascript

There are many Pinterest floating grid or dynamic grid javascript plugins, if you missed our previous article about it, you can read it here - Create Pinterest Layout easily and use it creatively.

However, Grid-A-Licious has a distinctive difference if compared to the rest - it is responsive and will able to adapt to different screen size or device. Grid-A-Licious used to be bundled into a WordPress theme. Now, the author rewrote the whole thing and released it as a plugin called Grid-A-Licious 3. If you're building this kind of layout, it's worth to check Grid-A-Licious out because of its simplicity.


  • Support responsive
  • fadeInOnAppear effect
  • OnComplete Call back event
  • Width and gutter setting
  • Prepend and Append method to add new items.



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Ale 12 years ago
Great. But how can be integrated in Wordpress?
Alphonse 12 years ago
Exactly. I contacted the programmer directly but he was no help whatsoever. It's hardly a plugin at this stage.
Quackamole 12 years ago
The WordPress theme Grid-A-Licious cost a small fortune to buy. Quite instantly, it just stopped being developed. New WP versions came along but no official support for its new (often important security related) upgrades. Lasting impression: this developer is very talented in what he creates, yet very abscent and unresponsive. Throwing up a forum and have customers bombard clueless questions based on skimpy documentation ain't really superb … Maybe suprb.
steve 12 years ago
This is great! But, it does not appear to be a plugin. Any plans to make this a plugin for Wordpress?