Giveaway: $89 worth App Performance Software: Cockpito for 5 Winners

Written by Kevin Liew on 06 Jun 2012
9,132 Views • Giveaway


In this giveaway, 5 lucky readers will win a free copy of Cockpito - a leading app performance software worth $89.

What is Cockpito?

Whether you put together a web app, mobile app, desktop app or sure, even a Website, you need some way to monitor and keep track of exactly what's going on with your application. And with Cockpito, you can do exactly that! Written in PHP/MySQL, this monitoring software is an easy-to-install application that measure and monitors whatever metrics you need. It's designed to handle heavy-weight usages.

With real-time monitoring, you can set your own tracking events and find out exactly how many logins, login failures, password resets, emails sent, and more are being processed in any given time frame. You can also create unlimited groups to classify your metrics (Hourly, Daily, Website, Applications, etc.) to make for easier analysis. View results on Cockpito’s grapher engine on your desktop computer, iPhone, iPad or any other mobile device. There are also loads of ready-to-download SDK's available for several different platforms. Lightweight and easy to use, Cockpito can be installed in a matter of minutes!

Real-time online demo

What do the winners get?

The 5 lucky winners will get a free license of Cockpito. Each license includes 5 metric keys, but you can purchase additional keys in 5 packs for only $39.

How to participate?

It’s simple! Just leave a comment in the section below stating how and what you're going to use this app for and we will select 5 readers with the best comments. This competition ends on 14 June 2012 so post your comment now! Best of luck!


Congratulation to the following winners, you have won a copy of Cockpito license! We have sent you an email with instruction on how to redeem your prize.

  • Sumon @ WP Cypher
  • PlugoLabs
  • Andre
  • J Lung
  • Cyrus
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ankz 13 years ago
If this is compatible with android, I will use it on my android app to figure how many people are actually using mobile phones for registering their login information.
j lung 13 years ago
Track traffic of dekstop vs mobile
Sumon @ WP Cypher 13 years ago
I will use this app to monitor my social community script that I'm currently working on.
Lazaac 13 years ago
I want to monitor my apps performance.. Thanks..
Fredz 13 years ago
amazing tool! we need it ;) plzzz!
André 13 years ago
Awesoem giveaway. Need it! :)
cyrus 13 years ago
Hoho, another cool give :) like it.
PlugoLabs 13 years ago
Wow, this looks like really useful tool. Nice job.
Annamalai Nagappan 13 years ago
An interesting giveaway. Fingers crossed, let's hope that I win it.