Giveaway 3 Depositphotos High Quality Stock Photos Subscriptions

Written by Kevin Liew on 30 May 2012
8,548 Views • Giveaway


Looking for high quality stock imagesfor your projects? You're in luck! Today, we have teamed up with Depositphotos to give away 3 Subscriptions for our readers. You can download 10 free stock images per day, and this subscription last for 20 days! That's 200 high quality stock photos to your library!

About Depositphotos

Depositphotos is a well-known stock photo provider online. They have wide varieties collection of photographs, vector images, video with reasonable price and certainly will meet your needs. The website itself has a builtin filtering system which will ease the effort searching the right images. Their vast library coupled with our wide variety of flexible purchase options makes them the most convenient and profitable tool for designers, artists and photographers.

All the files offered for sale on Depositphotos site are protected by intellectual property rights and made available for use in accordance with our royalty-free license. Their libraries are updated daily through contributor uploads that are closely scrutinized for quality and originality. Between the protections and the controls, you're assured of finding the highest quality original artwork available anywhere.

Also, if you are a blogger like me and would like to host this kind of giveaway, Depositphotos has a good blogger program available for you. What you have to do is - email them your contact detail and website, they will review and discuss the total of prizes with you.

What do you get?

A 20 days Subscription of Depositphotos, 10 Images each day for 3 lucky winners

How Can You Participate

  • Follow Queness and Depositphotos's Twitter Accounts
  • Tweet this: Win a Depositphotos High Quality Stock Photos Subscription @depositphotos and @quenesswebblog
  • Add a comment on this post before June 5th, 2012 along with your twitter ID and valid email address


Congratulation to the following winners, you have won this awesome giveaway from depositphotos!

  • Rodrigo Torres @clona1
  • Andrei @vasilescuandrei
  • Prayag Verma @StylifyYourBlog
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Alexander DiMauro 13 years ago
Tweeted: @adimauro

Thanks! Could really use some high quality stock photos...
Pritesh Desai 13 years ago
deposit photos seems to have a nice collection of photos
Andrei 13 years ago
Great giveaway!
Prayag Verma 13 years ago
Thanks Kevin for organizing such an Awesome Giveaway ! Took part and keeping my fingers crossed

Twitter : @StylifyYourBlog
grafik 13 years ago
I really like the company DepositPhotos extensive database for images and low prices.
Annamalai Nagappan 13 years ago
Twitter Id: @malaianna11

Thanks! great giveaway i just love Depositphotos.
Joelesign 13 years ago
Thanks a lot !

Rodrigo Torres 13 years ago
Thanks for this great giveaway!