Giveaway 5x50 Stock Photo Credits from Stockfresh

Written by Kevin Liew on 03 May 2012
16,146 Views • Giveaway


Greeting! Today we have an awesome giveaway from Stockfresh. Stock photos are being used all the time and you've probably saw some today, it can be from magazine, the web, billboard or even from TV. The biggest need of stock photos is that it is affordable because it's very expensive to hire a photographer and models to take a specific photo. To save your money and times, we have this great giveaway, 50 credits for 5 lucky winners!

About Stockfresh

Stockfresh is a new stock photo agency by the original founders of the popular stock.xchng* and Stockxpert* sites. (*They are not with the sites any more.) Thier goal is to provide high quality stock photos, graphics and vector illustrations at affordable prices through a hassle-free, clean interface, and they have some of the top stock photographers and artists on board. Stockfresh also take pride in the fact that thier contributor commissions are among the highest in the industry, so if you shop with them, your money goes to the right place - the hard working artists who deserve it. Currently they have over 1.4 million images online and the collection is growing rapidly.

If you like what they do, follow Stockfresh on Twitter or Facebook and help them spread the word. They also run an affiliate program where bloggers and site owners can make 10% of every sale referred, for the entire lifetime of the customer.


What do you get?

50 stock photo credits for each 5 lucky winners.

How can you participate?

  • Follow Queness and Stockfresh Twitter account or follow us on facebook.
  • Tweet like this: Giveaway 50 Stock Photo Credits from @Stockfresh and @quenesswebblog
  • And post a comment on this article before May 08, 2012 along with your Twitter ID and valid email address.


Congratulation to the following winners, you guys have won $50 StockFresh photo creadits! You will receive email from a StockFresh representative.

  • Yanik
  • Masoud
  • Puneet
  • Pritesh
  • Andre
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Masoud 13 years ago
when u send me the email ?
because i didn't recive any email ! (yet)
Kevin Liew Admin 13 years ago
Hi Masoud, I have contacted the person in charge, they will send it as soon as possible. Sorry for the delay, rest assure I will follow up this for you all. :)
André 13 years ago
When will the "winners-email" send?
Kevin Liew Admin 13 years ago
Hi Andre, dont worry, they will send it out as soon as possible. If you still haven't received it by friday, please use the contact form to contact us. Sorry for the delay.