My colleague sent this link to me this arvo during office hour - The Evolution of Web Design. I look at it and I think it's the best infographic I have ever seen. :)
Reading this infographic from the top to bottom, it reminded me a lot of those times when I lock myself with my 75mhz, 32 RAM and 2.1 GB NEC Desktop Computer connected to 56kbps dial up modem and writing html 1.0, table layout with gif animation (rolling ball, dancing banana man), blink text and yes, I've almost forgotten my favourite web hosting - Angelfire (And those annoying popup banner advertisement). That's quite a memorable time!
The speed of technology advancement is astonishing. I could never imagine HTML5, CSS and Javascript can kick flash's arse. I used to hate Javascript, but jQuery framework changed the whole thing around. Apple iPhone and iPad promote HTML5 and CSS3 into practical use and totally change the concept of smart phone (I have never seen people queue for a phone before). I'm glad I went through all these, and I know great things are coming ahead!
Thanks KissMetrics for this wonderful piece of work. Enjoy.
The Evolution of Web Design

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to make use of built-in syntax, i'm brazilian, can i translate to portuguese and spread around the web?
i can put a watermark from kissmetric.