If you are looking for a social media marketing job, you will be one among the thousands who vie for it. This is because these jobs are have grown popular over the years. Since 2010, social media marketing jobs have continued to grow at a fast pace, almost tripling every year.
The competition in social media jobs has made marketing your skills in the right manner on your resume most important. Whether you write your own resume or use online resume builder, only a killer resume will manage to grab the eyeballs of the recruiter.
Resume or CV?
Many people consider a resume to be the same as a CV but this is not so. The first difference is the length. A CV stretches for more than two pages in which your skill sets, experience, and achievements are detailed. A resume, on the other hand, is limited to one or two pages and is more of a brief information about your skill sets and experience.
Between the two, a resume is the preferred choice, since it allows you to cover all important information in a concise manner. It also helps the recruiter to quickly browse it, thereby saving time.
Things to mention in a resume
Make your resume as exhaustive as possible, so that everything gets included in those two pages. Let’s see what needs to be mentioned in it:
#1 Communication skills
The first thing a recruiter may look for in your resume is your communication skills since social media is all about this and connections. These skills also project you as a team player, since as a member of a social marketing team, you will need to effectively communicate with all and sundry.
Provide a bulleted social media skills list, such as ‘proficient in social media communication’; ‘holds expertise in engaging customers and targeting prospects on social platforms’; and the like.
#2 Avoid typos and bad grammar
For a social media marketing aspirant, there can be nothing more embarrassing than presenting a resume with typos and grammatical mistakes. So, get it right by taking the help of websites like Grammarly. Always revise your resume in detail to spot any mistakes and typos, before submission.
#3 Make resume eye-catching
The stark reality is that recruiters don’t even consider boring resumes, leave alone read them. So, get creative in drafting your resume. There are a lot of ideas floating on the internet for you to get inspiration from. However, a word of caution, don’t make it too wacky, as you may come across as someone non-serious.
#4 Highlight previous social media success
If you can mention your previous social media success, it is half the battle won. This will certainly make your resume stand out from the rest and assure your recruiter that you have what it takes to be a great social media marketer.
#5 Showcase knowledge of analytics
Knowledge of analytics showcases your ability to manage social media, so mention it in your list of skills. This is what recruiters are also looking for. Mention this skill as ‘fluent in Google Analytics, Twitter Analytics and Facebook Insights’ and ‘hold expertise in analyzing metrics, identifying trends to optimize performance’.
#5 Show your knowledge of social platforms
Most aspirants will flaunt their proficiency in the basics, such as Facebook, Twitter, LikendIn, Pinterest, etc. However, you need to be a notch higher. So, not only should you mention these social platforms in your resume, but also your social media planning arsenals, such as HootSuite and IFTTT.
This knowledge will set you apart from the rest since employers consider planning important. Not only mention this skill but also go into the details of how you bolster your strategy using different platforms.
#7 Flaunt your image formatting skills
Posts with images perform better than the ones without. For a social media marketer, the skills associated with image formatting become indispensable. For this, include your most creative and best-performing posts in your resume.
It is said forewarned is forearmed, so consider these invaluable tips while drafting your resume. These points are certain to make your resume stand out from the rest and project you as a candidate most likely to be hired!
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