Why You Need Images in Your WordPress Content

Written by Kevin Liew on 20 Mar 2017
6,013 Views • WordPress

The importance of images in content cannot be emphasized enough. This is especially true for WordPress users hoping to spread word about their brand. Find this statement doubtful? Just look at these numbers:

  • 37% of marketers admit that visual marketing is the most important part of their content strategy. This comes in close second to the 38% who say that blogging is their most valuable asset. (source)
  • Relevant images profoundly improve information retention. For content with no images, audiences remember up to 10% of the info they see three days later. But when images are added, this number rises to 65%! (source)
  • 55% of B2C marketers place great importance on creating visual content than content optimization. (source)
  • 74% of social media marketers say that they use visual content more than they use blogs. (source)
  • 61% of marketers stated that using visual content is an absolute necessity to their marketing campaign. (source)

Seeing these significant numbers tell us only one thing. Your WordPress content is worth nothing if not paired with the right visuals.


Making the Most Out of Your Images

You now realize the importance of images. But this does not mean that you can start adding any random image to your WordPress content. If the photos on your website are out of context, blurry or ordinary, they can do more harm than good. There is a strategy – even an art – to make images work for your brand. There are also tools you can use to make the most out of your images, and one of them is an image editor plugin.

The numbers don’t lie: they repeatedly show that content with visuals get more “likes” and “shares” online. The photos on your WordPress content compels visitors to stay on your site longer. According to a recent study, images generate 650% higher engagement than text-only content. And with information recall, people tend to remember details presented visually rather than verbally.

So, how do you make the most out of your images?

Make sure they are relevant.

Why do images work in marketing? Because they help remind people what your core message is. How will this happen if your image has no relation to your message at all?

Make sure your images are relevant to the topic. These images reinforce what you have to say. So, the more pertinent the image, the better the understanding as well.

Make sure they are high quality.

Your picture may be relevant. But if the person viewing your content has to squint just to figure out what’s in the picture, then you’ve just wasted your chance of proving your point.

When pictures are of high quality, they become more appealing as well. This means that people will be more likely to understand the message behind it. This will also draw the attention of your audiences to your content more efficiently.

Make sure they speak for themselves.

Images are useful in conveying information quickly. This enables you to deliver more with less. The right photos can explain the core of your content without words, making the audience understand your message.

Make sure they connect with your audience on an emotional level.

Leave a lasting impression with an emotional connection. When you hit the right notes, you don’t need to persuade them to like or share your content; they’ll do it on their own. Photos can do an excellent job with this. If you post images that move your audience to tears or make them laugh, they will associate the same feelings with your brand. In doing so, your visuals inspire a connection. This will eventually turn into trust and loyalty.

Make sure they are optimized for SEO.

Are you aware the photos you use on your site play a significant role in SEO? Most don’t realize that photos can be optimized for major search engines. Although they’re not displayed on your website, the search engines will read the keywords tagged on your photos. These are the specific words on the title, file name, description and ALT text of your images. These keywords are important variables when computing your site’s search ranking.

Make sure they are in the correct size.

Apart from being relevant, the images you use must also be the right size. Large photos increase the loading time of your page, which is an online "mortal sin." Resizing them without thought can distort the quality of the photos. This is where an image editor WordPress plugin comes in handy. A plugin can resize and rescale your images without turning them into trash.

Make sure they are properly authorized for use.

This won’t be a problem if you’re using photos you took or created for your website. Also, if you’ve commissioned a professional photographer or designer to create your visuals. Otherwise, make sure to have the consent to use the images before posting them. Look for photos under the Creative Commons Licenses and double check the attribution clauses. You may also pay a small fee to buy a license to use the images of other people through services like iStockPhoto.


Make Your Images Appealing to Boost Your WordPress Content

The power of visual marketing only works when you choose the right kind of image to use. The visuals on your content directly affect shares and traffic, especially if your site is optimized for social network sharing. Images also make it easier for your visitors to retain information about your product or service.

Now the question here is this – how do you make your images more appealing?

Use the Right Tools

As with any other job, the right tools can make all the difference. Try pounding a nail in using a rock. You’ll probably be staring at a crushed thumb after a few tries. Bring a hammer in, and the job is done instantly.

The same thing goes for your WordPress content. With the right image editor plugin, you can make sure your images are 100% effective.

So, how can an image editor plugin help?

The image editor plugin helps you add images to your content with ease.

This is especially useful for WordPress users with little tech background. A lot of bloggers opt to use mediocre-looking images because photo editing programs scare them. If you’ve done this before, an image editor plugin will help you face your fear. The plugin simplifies everything – from browsing document folders to editing images. Most WordPress image plugins are also user-friendly, so even if you make a mistake, it’ll be easy to correct it.

The image editor plugin makes editing visual content easy.

Resizing your images, for example, won’t be a pain anymore. Plugins on WordPress often present multiple features and functions. While the variety may look or sound confusing, in reality, they’re not. An ultimate image editor plugin always has undo and redo buttons so you can revert to your original image if you want. You can also modify the tone of the images or add filters to enhance them without changing browser tabs.

The image editor plugin saves you a lot of time.

You don’t need to go out of WordPress and into a separate tool to tweak the image anymore. Once a plugin is installed on your WordPress account, it will be available to you at all times. This means you don’t have to make an account on various photo editing apps.

The image editor plugin saves you money.

While some plugins require a small fee, most plugins for images are for free. And these no-cost helpers are nothing to sneeze about. They are packed with functions and effects that can improve your images with just a few clicks.

The image editor plugin lets you watermark your work.

If you use your photos or creations (like infographics), a plugin can imprint your signature or logo on the visuals. This is particularly beneficial if you have a photography website or take stunning photos yourself. With a plugin, you don’t have to use a different software or app to mark your images.

The image editor plugin helps your content to be more effective.

Some plugins even take into account the text-to-visual ratio to make sure the images are presented at their best. And it’s not just for aesthetics. It’s something that can make or break the success of your content.

The image editor plugin collection in WordPress is varied.

This means you have choices. If one plugin doesn’t work for you, then you can easily uninstall it and try a different one. Choose the one that helps you produce better images.

There are over 70 billion websites powered by WordPress today. To make yours stand out from your competition, you need to bring out the big guns. Adding images in your WordPress content can boost your traffic and attract potential consumers. You don’t have to shell out money to make this happen. Use the free tools available to you to ensure you only post the best images to emphasize and support your content. And one of the best tools you can easily take advantage of is an image editor plugin.

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