If you have been looking for slider in the past, you would have stumbled upon Cycle slider. Now we have Cycle 2 which is even more robust and support new features such as responsive and declarative initialization style that allows full customization without any scripting. If you look at the API, you will find a staggering amount of options and events that will give you the full access and capability to create a unique slider. However, it still in Beta, so use it cautiously.
- Supports all browswers
- Declarative: no scripting needed!
- Responsive: fully control your slideshow via css (resize this page to see!)
- Customizable: per-slide option overrides
- Extensible: fully customizable API (on a per-slideshow basis if you wish)
- Smart: supports image loading and delayed initialization
- Smarter: supports progressive image loading
- Out-of-the-box functionality for pagers, captions, overlays, and prev/next controls
- Support for swipe gesture on mobile devices
- Fade, scroll, shuffle, tile and carousel transitions
- Bookmarkable slides
Sample code
Declarative initialization
<div class="cycle-slideshow" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-pause-on-hover="true" data-cycle-speed="200" > <img data-src=""> <img data-src=""> <img data-src=""> <img data-src=""> </div>
- Official Website / Demo / Download
- Plugin Category: Carousel, Gallery & Slider
- Requirement: jQuery Library
- Compatibility: All Major Browsers
- License: MIT License
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