Website testing is an essential activity. Web developer need to test the speed, usability and performance of website before the major launch or release of new revision.
Besides that, a website must be user friendly with good navigation and have cross browser compatibility. A website should be tested using the latest software such as testing automation tools and cross browser compatibility checks for increase reliability.
Page Speed Online
It is a Google page speed line which is a famous web based application of Chrome browser extension. It analyzes speed of the website along with web performance. This is a handy web tool which can easily be installed from open source. Important information can be gained from this tool and it also checks the mobile device for best performance.
This is another website testing tools which is very popular which provides several reports such as breakdown of web pages and objects like images, JavaScript and style sheets. It calculates about how much time a webpage takes for uploading. It is mainly use for speed of the website and is also well versed in page analysis, size of the pages.
Load Impact
Load Impact is very important website testing tool which allows the users to know how much users have visited a site at the same time from different locations. It also analyzes how fast a website can be uploaded from server. It notices page loading time. It tests 50 concurrent users at a time from different location to test the speed and uploading time of a website. Owing to its handy and free availability, it has been demanded around the globe for website testing.
Browser Mob
This is also very important tool to measure the speed of any website. It is wonderful website software application which is used to test load test on different browsers and also measures the users’ speed of website. It takes 25 web browsers to test at a time and upload it to calculate it. If users want to test speed of their site then it provides such exercise at ease.
Browsera mainly checks the browsers of a website. It easily reports the cross browser design and error in scripting. Bowsera compares the different layout of cross browser by checking each browser and compare with each other and reports the error occurs in any browser. It easily tests the dynamic and overall pages of a website without ant technical hurdles.
Host Tracker
It is also web performance and usability based testing tool which monitors error in website and sends notification at daily, monthly or yearly basis. It receives notification from G-talk, e- mail, or mobile SMS services. It is available for 30 days trail. It supports HEAD/ GET HTTP/POST process.
Web Page Analyzer
Web page analyzer is very important testing tool to measure speed time, loading time and also notices the overall performance like browsing, speed, uploading time and usability of a website. It easily improves size of the page, downloading time and also gives advices to fasten the speed of any website.
Website testing tools are very important to increase speed, performance and usability of a website. A website must hat user friendly navigation with good uploading speed which makes a visitor interesting and make them stay for long time. This article has discussed popular tools for website testing.
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