8 Visually Impressive Javascript Powered Websites

Written by Kevin Liew on 30 Jul 2012
59,184 Views • Web Design


Web design has evolved into a whole new level of sophistication. Flash lost the war and HTML, CSS and Javascript overtook its place. Comparing to flash, flash has its advantages of being consistent across different platforms, and maintainability is lesser than HTML/CSS/JS. However, adobe's decision in stop supporting mobile flash has killed it.

With the fall of flash, HTML, CSS and Javascript have became the best alternative solution to cater for both mobile and desktop users. Here in this post though, we aren't talking about responsive layout, it's more about the animation effects and the wow factors that can be done without flash. Nowadays, we can use CSS3 and Javascript to create visually impressive animation and deliver great user experiences. We have chosen 8 new websites.

  • Joint London Ultra minimal design with an unique navigation system.
  • Lena Sanz A visually rich photographer website with a huge responsive slider.
  • Skull Candy Different type of parallax, it scrolls according to a predefined path.
  • Black Negative A full screen animated background with a drag navigation menu.
  • Viens La The website display subtle animation as you scroll through the page.
  • Matte Ozanga Another website that utilize mouse drag. User is welcomed by a landing page with 2 options.
  • Angrybird Space Similar Skull Candy, this angry bird website using a radical parallax method that the website scroll through a predefined path.
  • Olivers Taub This could be a typical flash website. By using boxes as options, it creates a minimal yet elegant solution.
  • Nature Valley Trail View It's a custom made full screen carousel landing page.
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Pritesh Desai 13 years ago
beautiful sites, I loved the slick navigation of Black Negative
Gabriel 12 years ago
unfortunately most of this website are completly unaccessible if javascript is disable...
alex 12 years ago
Anyone who disables javascript does not deserves to see these beautiful sites
prasanya 11 years ago

This web designs will be very useful for the
tours and travels company.And the designs are good. Nice one.

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with excellent packages...they are nice destinations..
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