A quick and non javascript PNG hack. Just put this in a ie6.css file, and apply the class to any div or img that using PNG images with transparency. It doesn't support background repeat.
Apply this hack to any div or img that using PNG images with transparency.
.png { position:relative; behavior: expression((this.runtimeStyle.behavior="none")&&(this.pngSet?this.pngSet=true:(this.nodeName == "IMG" && this.src.toLowerCase().indexOf('.png')>-1?(this.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "none", this.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + this.src + "', sizingMethod='image')", this.src = "images/transparent.gif"):(this.origBg = this.origBg? this.origBg :this.currentStyle.backgroundImage.toString().replace('url("','').replace('")',''), this.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + this.origBg + "', sizingMethod='crop')", this.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "none")),this.pngSet=true)); }
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will be added to all links. You can wrap your coding with[code][/code]
to make use of built-in syntax highlighter.A very helpful hack.