Create a Stunning Sliding Door Effect with jQuery

Written by Kevin Liew on 31 Aug 2009
173,343 Views • Tutorials


Continue from our previous thumbnail effect series. This is the third one. If you missed the previous two, you can visit the following links:


This tutorial is going to be awesome! I got inspired by my friend's Image Splitting Effect from Tutsvalley. I decided to take one step further, create a four corners sliding door effect.

Basically, this is what it does:

  • Grab all the div with qitem class, find the image and replace it with four DIVs (four corners)
  • Each of the corner will have the same background image (grabbed from qitem class's child image element) but with different background position: top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right. It will still look like a whole image, however, the image is actually replaced by DIVd and divided into four portions.
  • Mouse over and mouse out event will move the corners diagonally out and in according to the mouse event.
  • Caption will be displayed after the corners have moved out.
  • If user clicked on it, it will execute the link assign to the item.

The following image illustrate how it works:

jQuery Slicing Structure


It's a good practise to keep HTML as simple as possible. HTML always can be simplified using CSS and Javascript. As a result from the simplification, This is the html for a single item. We can duplicate it into more than one.

In the demo, we can see there are total of 9 items. Please be aware that, in this tutorial, we are using float:left and clear:both in CSS to create the multi column and rows. Make sure the floating is cleared to ensure it doesnt mess up your existing website layout.

<div class="qitem">
	<a href=""><img data-src="1.gif" alt="Test 1" title="" width="126" height="126"/></a>
	<span class="caption"><h4>Night Club</h4><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p></span>

2. CSS

In CSS section, it's quite simple. We have a class called qitem. qitem must be overflow:hidden to hide those four corners, float:left to create the milti rows and columns and cursor:hand/ cursor:pointer to let uses know they can click on it.

For caption, position:absolute is a must to se the z-index. Caption should be layered under the four corners

We need to set the generic setting for all the corners. We can do this in javascript, but it would be more efficient and simpler to do it with CSS. You see, the good thing in web development is, one problem can have different type of solutions.

body {

.qitem {
	/* width and height must be even number */
	/* some styling for the item */
	border:4px solid #222;	
	margin:5px 5px 5px 0;
	background: url('bg.gif') no-repeat;
	/* make sure the four divs are hidden after changing the position */
	/* absolute position enabled for children elements*/
	/* display item in single row */
	/* hand symbol for ie and other browser */
	cursor:hand; cursor:pointer;

	.qitem img {

	/* styling for caption, position absolute is a must to set the z-index */
	.qitem .caption {

		.qitem .caption h4 {
			padding:10px 5px 0 8px;

		.qitem .caption p {
			padding:3px 5px 0 8px;

/* Generic setting for corners */
.topLeft, .topRight, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight {
	/* allow javascript to move the corners */
	background-repeat: no-repeat; 

/* set the background position for different corners */
.topLeft {
	background-position: top left; 	

.topRight {
	background-position: top right; 

.bottomLeft {
	background-position: bottom left; 

.bottomRight {
	background-position: bottom right; 

.clear {

3. Javascript

Javascript is abit messy this time. But I have isolated all the configurable setting on the top to make it easier to change. Basically, this is what it does:

  1. When the document is ready, it counts all the value for all corners
  2. Using each() to loop through the the item, in the loop:
    • Grab all the details: url, image path
    • Remove the img element
    • Append the four corners
    • Set the background image (image path grabbed from img element) to all the corners
    • Set the position to all the corners
    • * Due to IE7, you need to make sure the image/qitem size is even number, so that the divided value is whole number. IE7 doesn't render fraction value properly.
  3. On mouse over event: Set correct values to all the corners and animate them so that the corners are moving away from the qitem.
  4. On mouse out event: reset all the corners and animate them so that the corners are moving back to where there were.
  5. On click: execute the link (grabbed from anchor element).

The following image illustrate the calculation:

jQuery Slicing Structure

In the javascript below, we have a section for the calculation. If you look at the image above carefully, assume the item width is 126px, and values that we need to generate is 0px, 63px, -63px and 126px

Hence, (the item size we used in this tutorial is 126px)

  • var neg = Math.round($('.qitem').width() / 2) * (-1);
    (126 / 2) * (-1), neg = -63px
  • var pos = neg * (-1);
    neg = -63px, pos = (-63) * -(1), pos = 63px
  • var out = pos * 2;
    pos = 63px, pos = 63 * 2, pos = 126px

Now, we know all the mathematic calculations, how it works. It's time to combine everything into one piece!

$(document).ready(function() {

	//Custom settings
	var style_in = 'easeOutBounce';
	var style_out = 'jswing';
	var speed_in = 1000;
	var speed_out = 300;	

	//Calculation for corners
	var neg = Math.round($('.qitem').width() / 2) * (-1);	
	var pos = neg * (-1);	
	var out = pos * 2;
	$('.qitem').each(function () {
		//grab the anchor and image path
		url = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
		img = $(this).find('img').attr('src');
		//remove the image
		$('img', this).remove();
		//append four corners/divs into it
		$(this).append('<div class="topLeft"></div><div class="topRight"></div><div class="bottomLeft"></div><div class="bottomRight"></div>');
		//set the background image to all the corners
		$(this).children('div').css('background-image','url('+ img + ')');

		//set the position of corners
		$(this).find('div.topLeft').css({top:0, left:0, width:pos , height:pos});	
		$(this).find('div.topRight').css({top:0, left:pos, width:pos , height:pos});	
		$(this).find('div.bottomLeft').css({bottom:0, left:0, width:pos , height:pos});	
		$(this).find('div.bottomRight').css({bottom:0, left:pos, width:pos , height:pos});	

	}).hover(function () {
		//animate the position
		$(this).find('div.topLeft').stop(false, true).animate({top:neg, left:neg}, {duration:speed_out, easing:style_out});	
		$(this).find('div.topRight').stop(false, true).animate({top:neg, left:out}, {duration:speed_out, easing:style_out});	
		$(this).find('div.bottomLeft').stop(false, true).animate({bottom:neg, left:neg}, {duration:speed_out, easing:style_out});	
		$(this).find('div.bottomRight').stop(false, true).animate({bottom:neg, left:out}, {duration:speed_out, easing:style_out});	
	function () {

		//put corners back to the original position
		$(this).find('div.topLeft').stop(false, true).animate({top:0, left:0}, {duration:speed_in, easing:style_in});	
		$(this).find('div.topRight').stop(false, true).animate({top:0, left:pos}, {duration:speed_in, easing:style_in});	
		$(this).find('div.bottomLeft').stop(false, true).animate({bottom:0, left:0}, {duration:speed_in, easing:style_in});	
		$(this).find('div.bottomRight').stop(false, true).animate({bottom:0, left:pos}, {duration:speed_in, easing:style_in});	
	}).click (function () {
		//go to the url
		window.location = $(this).find('a').attr('href');	



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Rajd 12 years ago
I see the demo run fine on IE6. But, when I try this effect on my pieces, this works but the four absolute positioned blocks stick to their positions even when I scroll the page. Can anybody please help me out on this...? Thank You.
Shid 12 years ago
Theres anyway to show a second image? instead of a plain text? thanks~
Kevin Liew Admin 12 years ago
Just put an image inside this:
<span class="caption"></span>
Word 12 years ago
I followed your response to the image query : Just put an image inside this:
<span class="caption">insert image here </span> but it did not work? It would be awesome to show another image underneath
anamika59 12 years ago
<span class="caption">insert image</span> may not work as such. You may consider including the image as a background of the caption container (in the css style). I think if the tag is not a span but any other div, it may also work but I did not try.

Overall, it is a very nice tutorial and nice effect.
Matt 12 years ago
awesome effect but can you make it work on a rectangular image as apposed to a square one? tried fiddling with the maths section but got confused. the image size i'm wanting is width:400px; height: 150px
Agent M 12 years ago
hi there, great tutorial however I'm a little confused at how the top, right,bottom, left classes work without it being in the markup. I'm still learning so when I see classes in css that aren't targeted in the mark up I start to panic. Is there another way or is it right in front of me lol thanks:) M
trent 12 years ago
Is there a way to target blank the links? Doesn't work in the a tag.
Jamaes Prince 12 years ago

Is there anyway of having an image as the background instead of the text behind? i have tried putting it in the <span> but nothing works
Kevin Liew Admin 12 years ago
hmm... it won't work I guess.. you can slice a text element into 4.
Jamaes Prince 12 years ago
tthanks for the reply - how would i do that? im not too familiar with that?

Apart from that thanks to a clear tutorial, works brilliantly and very effective!

Also is there anyway to increase space inbetween the boxes?
Arthur 12 years ago
How would I go about making this into a single vertical line of boxes apposed to the 3x3?
Tony 12 years ago
I made it into a single vertical line of boxes by mistake, haven't a clue how i did it though. Would you like my css file?
Mr. Ling 12 years ago
I have a carousel on the same page, there for I use jquery 1.5.1.min js. Everything work except that the text is half visible in IE9, while it is centered in Chrome. What is the solution?
Tony 12 years ago
Hi, looked at the demo and thought - wow i want that on my site. Then, when i read all of the comments about how brill it is, my heart was sinking more and more. Why? Because me being a total numpty, i can't get it to work....
Kevin Liew Admin 12 years ago
You should download the demo and start it from there.
Tony 12 years ago
I did, 3 times. I either get a vertical line of boxes or horizontal, never the group of 3. I only ever see the background images & text. I never see the foreground images and they never animate. As David Bowie once said - i'm an absolute beginner......
John Verber 11 years ago
Hey I downloaded the demo and started messing with it. as I wanted to use this on my site since I have only icons on my main page that wobble. Problem is I can't get this thing center to save my life. I figured I'd put it in a wrapper class and use margin: 45px auto 0px auto; text-align: center; But it's still off. I tried adding a width; but it still is acting crazy. I'm not sure if it has to do with the absolute positioning of your qitem class or if it's something I'm doing. My other icons centered up magically no problem...but your jQuery effects are just too awesome to pass up ....can you give me some help?
Jayesh 11 years ago
any fix we have got for the IE? if any one has implemented please share...
Kevin Liew Admin 11 years ago
It should work with IE!
sam 11 years ago
I'm trying to make it where I have 4 images arranged like 4 corners, and each has an overlay that goes up in 1 direction (top left image has a door over it that goes to the top left, top right's door goes to top right, etc) but I can't get the hover actions to perform. Any tips on how to change your code such that this will work?