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Grid-a-licious and IE8 rendering issue

WRITTEN BY ON 02 Jun 2014
1 comment

Grid-a-licious is a great script. I use it because of its responsive layout support. It calculates the column and width automatically, and it saves plenty of time to make responsive grid layout.

It works perfectly in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Modern IE except IE8 and below. IE8 is old, but my client want the grid layout works in IE8 too. 

Did a few search until I saw a post created by Sue Feng. She modified the code and managed to make it support IE8 too, but she is using an old version of Grid-a-licious build. It's a good start, sent her email and also de-minified hers JS code and discovered this:

Simple solution, simply open grid-a-licious javascript file, and search for this:

And replace it with:

It's just a CSS issue afterall. :) 

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1 comment
onlygio 9 years ago
Great, you save my time!